Purchases | Payments | Returns

Here you will find detailed information regarding purchases, payments and returns.


+How can I order?

Navigate through the categories and subcategories of products. Once you find the product you are interested in, carefully read its description, then click the "Add to Cart" button. After adding all the products you want to the cart, click the "Cart" button at the top right corner of the page. There, you can see all the selected products and modify quantities or remove some of them. Click the "Complete Order" button and follow the instructions to finalize your order. You can place orders online at macronstoreathensnorth.gr, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


+Which products are available?

All products are available unless otherwise indicated, for example, if there is a "Coming Soon" label. If you need more information about a specific product and want to know when it will be available, please contact us at [email protected]


+Do the prices include VAT?

Yes, the prices include VAT, but they do not include shipping costs.


+Can I add one or more products to an order I have already placed?

No, you cannot add products to an order that has already been completed. You will need to place a new order.


+How can I know if my order has been successfully registered?

Every time you complete the ordering process, you will receive an informative email to the address you provided, confirming that your order has been successfully registered. If, for any reason, you believe there is an error in your order and you wish to correct it or cancel the order, please contact us immediately either via email at [email protected] or by phone at +302108000148  from Monday to Friday, 10:00-18:00.


+How often will I find products on sale?

Unlike physical stores, macronstoreathensnorth.gr may offer promotions on selected products throughout the year.


+Is there a physical store?

Our address is Pavlou Bakogianni & Xanthis 1 – 14451 Metamorfosi, Attiki.
We have chosen to offer our products all over Greece without increasing the prices by special agreement. At our address, we have storage and exhibition spaces where we keep the products available for sale.


We have selected the following payment methods for your convenience. Please choose the one that suits you best.


+With the delivery of the order (cash on delivery)

If you choose to pay by cash on delivery, it means you will pay the delivery company employee when they deliver your order. In this case, there is a related charge. Read more in the section Shipments.


+Bank transfer

You can choose to pay by depositing the amount to Piraeus Bank, National Bank of Greece, or Attica Bank. The bank account details are included in the email you will receive with the order confirmation. Once you complete the money transfer, you should send the deposit receipt by email to [email protected]

PIRAEUS BANK   GR4501716150006615141201189

NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE   GR0501103790000037901417800

ATTICA BANK   GR5601606670000000085214080


+Can I return a product for a second time?

The first exchange is free of charge. For a second exchange, the buyer will be charged. If, for any reason, you changed your mind about a product you received, you can return it within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the order at your own expense, provided that the product and its original packaging are intact. To proceed with the return process, you must contact us at +302108000148 and then send the product to the address Pavlou Bakogianni & Xanthis 1 – 14451 – Metamorfosi Attiki.

We will send you an electronic credit voucher of equal value to the returned product, which you can use for a future purchase.


+I received a faulty product. What should I do?

We do our best to ensure that products reach you in perfect condition. If, however, you receive a faulty product, one that has been damaged during transportation, or if it is not what you ordered, please contact us at +302108000148, send the product to the address Pavlou Bakogianni & Xanthis 1 – 14451 – Metamorfosi Attiki, and we will cover the return costs (excluding cash on delivery costs) and refund your money within 15 days to your credit card or bank account, depending on the payment method used for the specific product. Alternatively, if you prefer, we will send you a credit code of equal value to the returned product, which you can use for a future purchase.


+Will I be charged for the return costs?

If you change your mind about a purchase, the return costs will be at your expense. If you want us to send you a different product instead of the one being returned, the shipping costs will be charged to you. If the mistake is ours, for example, if you received the wrong product or a faulty one, then Macron Store Athens North will cover the return costs. The cash on delivery fee is non-refundable.


+How do I send the product back to you?

We recommend using a courier service to return the products you wish to return for added security, as we are not responsible for products that may get lost or damaged during the return process.


+Can I prefer to return the product in person?

Ναι, επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο [email protected] ή στο τηλέφωνο +302108000148,  Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή 09.30-15.30, και θα κανονίσουμε την ημέρα και ώρα κατά την οποία μπορείτε να περάσετε από τη διεύθυνση Our address is Pavlou Bakogianni & Xanthis 1 – 14451 Metamorfosi, Attiki. και να επιστρέψετε το προϊόν.
